

- 共85個單位、24,700個商家參加,提供最低三折優惠
- 服裝、美容等各主題週活動、K-POP演唱會等附屬活動

 2013年1月11日到2月28日期間,將以首爾、釜山、濟州等韓國主要旅遊區為中心,舉辦韓國最大購物慶典-「2013韓國購物季(Korea Grand Sale 2013)」。




韓國購物季開跑前,樂天百貨、現代百貨商店、樂天免稅店、新羅免稅店、華克山莊免稅店、韓國觀光公社免稅店及格樂麗雅名品館、都塔、驪州/坡州名牌折扣中心等將於11月中旬到12月底提前進行Pre-Korea Grand Sale優惠活動。

此外,還推出「免費多住一晚優惠(One More Night Promotion)」。只要在參加活動的50家全國特級酒店住宿兩~四晚以上的外國遊客,便能免費多住一晚,在韓國購物節期間也為酒店遊客進行餐廳優惠及免費利用附屬設施等活動。








韓国最大のショッピングフェスティバルである「2013コリアグランドセール(Korea Grand Sale 2013)」が2013年1月11日から2月28日まで、ソウル、釜山(プサン)、済州(チェジュ)など韓国の主要観光地を中心に開かれる。




 また、本格的なコリアグランドセールの開催に先立って、ロッテ百貨店、現代百貨店、ロッテ免税店、新羅免税店、ウォーカーヒル免税店、韓国観光公社免税店をはじめ、ギャラリア名品館、Doota、驪州(ヨジュ)/坡州(パジュ)プレミアム・アウトレットなどでは、11月中旬から12月末まで、優先的に割引イベントを実施するPre-Korea Grand Saleにも参加する。

 他にも、現在2~4泊以上ホテルで泊まる外国人観光客に対して1泊を無料で提供する「ワンモアナイトプロモーション(One More Night Promotion)」を全国の50か所の特級ホテルで行われており、コリアグランドセールの期間の間にはさらに、ホテルの利用客に対してレストランの割引や付帯施設の無料利用など、様々なイベントを行う。





Korea’s Biggest Shopping Festival, “Korea Grand Sale 2013”

- 85 companies & 24,700 stores participating -- offering up to 70% discounts
- Weekly themed events of fashion, beauty, along with K-POP concerts

Korea’s biggest shopping festival, “Korea Grand Sale 2013,” will take place in major Korean tourist attractions in Seoul, Busan, and Jeju Island from January 11 to February 28, 2013.

In the Korea Grand Sale 2013, 85 companies and 24,700 stores such as department stores, duty-free stores, hotels, major retail outlets, convenience stores, and performances will participate. The festival, the largest scale in its history, will provide foreign tourists various shopping benefits including 70~10% discounts.

To differentiate itself from the shopping festivals in Hong Kong, Singapore and other foreign countries, the Korea Grand Sale 2013 will start with an opening event in Myeong-dong on January 11 featuring the world raging K-POP stars of today. During the festival period, the event center in Myeong-dong will hold various events with themes of fashion, beauty and food allowing foreign tourists to be able to enjoy shopping as well as the fashion, traditional food and culture of Korea.

Also during the festival, foreigners will be able to utilize different shuttle buses ensuring convenient transportation. A nationwide circle line pay-bus for foreigners only, K-shuttle, will be operated with two courses: southwest course (Seoul→Buyeo→Jeonju→Yeosu→Suncheon→Busan→Seoul) and southeast course (Seoul→Pyeongchang→Gangneung→Wonju→Andong→Gyeongju→Busan→Seoul). There will also be a free shuttle buses; the Gyeonggi Shuttle Bus will circle major tourist attractions in Gyeonggi-do from Seoul and the Gangbuk-Gangnam Shuttle Bus will circle Gangbuk (Itaewon, Myeong-dong, Dongdaemun) and Gangnam (Sinsa-dong Garosu-gil, Apgujeong-dong Rodeo Street).

Another event to take notice is the Pre-Korea Grand Sale where several participating stores including Galleria Luxury Hall, Doota, Yeoju & Paju Premium Outlets Lotte Department Store, Hyundai Department Store, and duty-free shops of Lotte, Shilla, Walkerhill, and the Korea Tourism Organization will offer discounts between mid November and late December prior to the main festival.

The festival will also offer “One More Night Promotion” where foreign tourists staying more than 2~4 nights can get one free night in fifty top-class hotels across the nation. The participating hotels will offer additional various events for customers such as restaurant discount and free tickets for amenities during the festival.

According to Katie Han, Executive Director of the Visit Korea Committee, Korea Grand Sale 2013 will be a more colorful, richer festival than previous occasions because foreign tourists can experience Hallyu culture contents along with shopping. “We will have a wider variety of promotions and marketing so that the Korea Grand Sale becomes Korea’s own, truly distinct festival,” she added.

Please refer to the official website (www.koreagrandsale.co.kr) of Korea Grand Sale 2013 for further information.


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